Sunday, August 9, 2009

Oh What a night

And that ain't the half of it. The air conditioning in the kitchen wasn't working. Engineers came to check it out with their little thermostat doodad...which apparently read a whopping 220 degrees. Is that even possible? They fidgeted with a few things got it working a little and the kitchen cooled down to a intolerable 89 degrees. WTF? Where was OSHA? My god, I don't know how the cooks and dishwashers did it. If it were me, I'd have stationed a massive walk out. Wait a minute it was me too. I was there. I had spent so much time on my hair, getting it as straight as I could. Each time I walked onto the line or into the wp, I felt my hair shrivel into a massive ball of frizz. Why would I have chosen a sweater to wear tonight? Poor Jeff was dripping sweat all over the place. If I had been a guest being served by him, I think I'd have passed. Kim was getting sick from the heat and paid Dan to stay and close for her. Sara was flushed, and dewy ( ahem, and it wasn't a sexy dewy) Mary was toting around a bottle of frozen water in her pocket to stay cool. I think it had worked somewhat because she stay her usual happy self.

On another front I'm not reaching voters like I'd hoped to. I don't know how to go about this networking thing. I try. I go on twitter and shamelessly beg for votes. I also tried this with Facebook. All I got there was I'll go vote or never saw the post. Well only a couple of my "friends" voted. So what did I do? I went through and deleted a bunch. A woman scorned. That's me.

I had hoped to write a little tonight/this morning. I have been thinking a lot about working with Poised again. It's a good story and I can't recall why I put it aside. Maybe I just needed a break. Well baby, the break needs to be over. What better time than now. It's not like I'm going to get many more votes on the Textnovel contest. I feel as though I've reached as far with that as I can.

Until tomorrow.

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