Tuesday, November 3, 2009

So where have I been?

So much has happened since the middle of September. I got a year older. We will just skip over that tidbit of information. Sadly, my mom passed away last month. It was a weird thing to deal with. Never realized how much goes into planning a funeral. We managed it with the help of a really good funeral director. Thank God for Jim. I should send him a thank you note.

I buried myself in work so I wouldn't have to think too much about my loss. but now it's starting to wear me down. I know, I know I agree to the hours. It's my sense of responsibility that drives me to do it I feel as though I've missed out on the grieving process. I want to remember touching moments in the end but instead I remember the bad stuff.

I mentioned in earlier blog that I entered my manuscript Highland Magic in The Next Best Celler contest sponsored by Dorchester Publishing and Textnovel.com. Well, it ended Nov.1, 2009 at 11:59 and still the finalist (top 20) has not been announced yet. It's now Nov. 3rd. and according to what I see, I am a finalist. I just barely made it in. But I'm there. So now it's just a waiting game.

There was a lot of contention regarding the contest. Manufactured votes cheating of all kinds. Blah blah blah.

I'm truly sorry people are angry. It's a competition. I have nothing to worry about, my conscience is clear. I've been honest. Like everyone else. I told friends about my story asked them to check it out and vote. if some chose to vote more than once or didn't read first that's out of my control. I neither have skills or desire to cheat. Unless raising money is cheating. Some would say yes. As I recall Liane threw the challenge out to All textnovel writers. I was fortunate, Liane, Robin, Gail, Saranna, Courtney, Chrisy, Jenn, K.J. and many others helped me and I'm forever beholden but I would Never cheat to final in a contest.

I have been fortunate to have been a bridesmaid in many RWA contest that I've entered Highland Magic in. Never a bride though. I didn't final in all these contest because I knew someone, I finaled because of my writing and the story. So I go into this feeling good about myself and with little illusions of why I'm here. (if I'm here.)

They may be scrutinizing the voting system. Maybe that's the hold up. I could be out because I got too many vote on a given day.) I'm here I think because I have a good story and I pitched the hell out of the story on Facebook, twitter and my work. I made friends and networked too many hours a day. I edited and polished when my mother lay dying and I shamelessly told friends and family of the contest at my mothers funeral. I like many others did a lot to get my name and story out there.

So please don't judge me because I finaled in a contest. Now is the time to be a good contestant lick your wounds and enter another one. Get your name out there. Get a fan base. Promote your manuscripts.

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